Category: Ako | Learn

Descriptive Camp Writing

Task Description:

We start to line up in our togs and with our day-bags on our back. When we arrive at Point England Beach we put our shoes and day-bags to side. Once we did that then we put on our life jackets. When Mr Somerville starts talking he starts explaining how to control the kayaks and how to steer. After Mr Somerville finishes talking then we start to take off. We can other buddy up or go by ourselves.


We can go around the pole with the green triangle or around that red checkpoint. It is hard for some people to do kayaking but that is why we have Mr Andrews and one the helpers to come rescue us. In case we get stuck they will steer us back to shore.  


After the kayaking we sit down on the pristine sand as our feet was touching the light blue water lapping on the sand. Mr Somerville starts to announce people who did so good at kayaking.  


Descriptive Writing

The picture is a portrait of Tanemahuta also known as Tane for short. Tane is the God of the forest and he is the oldest of his siblings. Tane is a strong God who helped his brothers separate their parents. His parents names are Ranginui and Papatuanuku they are the Gods of the earth and the sky.


All the creatures in nature and the trees in the forest listen to Tane. All the birds and the animals seen in the picture  surrounding Tane see him as their protector. He is seen as strong as a mountain. This picture shows Tane brown and muscular body standing  muscular body standing tall and stoic.

Task Description: Today we did a task of Describing Writing about Ranginui and Papatuanuku.

About Me | Ko Wai Ahau

Hello my name is William. My favourite colour is Green and Black and my favourite food is Hot Chips and any type of salad. I was born on 2014 21st, 2014. My favourite sports are soccer and touch. My school is Pt England and I am Tongan and Italian. My favourite subjects are Maths and Science.

I hope one day I will become a builder so I can help many people. I am turning 10 this year but now I am 9. I sometimes like learning and reading but I just like relaxing. Sometimes I play games on my phone or I just play with a cat that comes to my backyard nearly every day.

I like swimming in the pools or the beach. I also like doing stunts and flips. Sometimes I exercise or I go for a run. I also like reading as one of my subjects. I read many types of books when I get home. My favourite movie is anything horror.

I also like playing with my friends online or with my cousin’s. My favourite animals are dogs and cats. My online games I like playing are Roblox, Minecraft and Geometry Dash. I sometimes visit my cousin’s and play with them. I am older than half of my cousins. I am older than two of them and the other half is older than me.

Please check out my learning and leave a positive comment on my blog!


 There was a bridge as long as a wall.  The cow ran as quick as a flash to the grass so it could eat. On the other side of the bridge was green luscious bushes covering the bridge like fog. In the river was normal pale blue waters but the water was nice and clean to drink. 


 There were iron gates as solid as a rock. Also there were network towers as tall as a mountain. There was a normal looking house the moss was covering the house and forests were surrounding the house like the hills and mountains.