Day: May 30, 2024

Three Little Pigs (Fixed Story)

The Three Little Pigs according to me

Instructions: Check out the following resources to give you a solid understanding of the different versions of the story The Three Little Pigs. 

The TRUE story of the 3 little pigs by A.Wolf as told to Jon Scieszka. Grandma Annii’s Story Time

The Three Little Pigs – Read aloud in fullscreen with music and sound effects!

Three Little Pigs – Fixed Fairy Tales

Plan: use this space to plan your narrative. Answer all the questions. 

Orientation: Where is the story set? When and where is this taking place? In the forest.

`10 Million years ago.

Characters: Who are the main characters in your story? What are their names? Give a brief description.  First little pig, Second little pig, Third little pig. Big bad grey wolf.
Problem: What is the overall problem in the story?  The wolf wants to eat the pigs.
Beginning: What will happen at the beginning of your story? The pigs set off to make their houses.
Middle: What will happen in the middle of your story? The wolf failed to get into the houses.
Resolution (end): How will your story end and the problem be solved?


Writing: start your writing here


Once upon a time there were three little pigs that started to set off from their home. Because it was time to have their own houses. As they were walking their dad yelled from a far distance ‘’ Watch out for the big bad wolf!, ‘’ he shouted. The pigs already decided what they will do. They had a grin on each of their faces as if they were planning something evil for the wolf. Meanwhile each pig set off and made their houses. The first little pig made a house out of straw. The second pig made a house out of wood and sticks. ‘’ The wolf won’t know what hit him, ‘’ The second little pig grinned evilly as he was making something. The third little pig made a strong house made of bricks. ‘’ The wolf is gonna regret trying to break into my house, ‘’  the third little pig smiled with glee.



Then it was time the big bad wolf had come. The mischief wolf came and brought something with him. He entered the straw house first. ‘’ Little pig, Little pig let me in. ‘’the wolf said. The pig replied ‘’ Not by the hair of my chinny chin-chin.’’ The wolf started to huff and puff. But then the pig came out with a jack in the box. The wolf looked at the box. The box opened and a puff of fire came out. It burned the wolf and there the wolf cried ‘’ Awhoooo.’’ Then the pig punched the wolf and he went flying all the way to the second pig. ‘’ Please help me, ‘’ the wolf asked. ‘’ Not by the hair of my chiny chin- chin.. ‘’ The wolf made a call and out came a crane that was about to hit the poorly made stick house. ‘’ Hahaha! I was just kidding about the help. ‘’ But then the second pig pulled out the uno reverse card. Instead of hitting the house the crane hit the wolf. Then the wolf went flying all the way to the brick house.



The wolf landed on a thorn bush. It really was pain because of how spiky the bush was. ‘’ Please let me in. I was first burned then I got hit into the sky  and now I was wanked  by my very own crane! So please if you are there let me in, ‘’ the wolf said sadly. ‘’ Not by the hair of my chiny chin-chin, ‘’ the third pig replied.

‘’ Oh no! You’re not one of those crazy pigs? Are you? ‘’ the wolf answered. Then the mischievous pig launched the wolf all the way to a maximum security prison. ‘’Why did this happen? ‘’ the wolf said as  he questioned himself. At the end. The three little pigs lived happily ever after and they never heard from the wolf again.