Year: 2024

Can He Save Her?

Can He Save Her?

Narrative Writing


WALT: write a narrative that is descriptive (paints a picture in the reader’s mind)


This week we are creating a piece of narrative writing about a comic book hero! 

You are to use the picture on the left as your story starter or even your story finisher. Not sure what this means? Well, the picture could depict what is happening in the beginning of your story. You would describe the events from the picture then tell your audience what happens next. Or if you’re using the picture as your story ending, what are the events that led to this action packed scene?

You will need to write a minimum of 4 paragraphs. I would like some of you to extend yourselves and write at least 6-8 paragraphs. 


Fill in the below table to help you plan.

Planning: Your Thoughts and Answers:
Are you using the picture as the beginning or ending of your story? Ending for the story.
Hero: Spiderman and Miles Morales.
Villain: Green Goblin and Sandman.
Other Characters (if any): Miles Morales and Sandman 
Problem: The Green Goblin along with Sandman are robbing the bank.
Solution: The Spiderman and Miles come out and defeat the Green Goblin. 
If beginning, what could happen next? The Sandman has a trick up his sleeve to destroy the heroes.
In the end, what happened before this scene? The Sandman captured Spiderman but Mile swang down and rescued him.


Start Writing Here:

→ It was dawn in New York and Spiderman ( also known as Spidey) was swinging down the city around the tall high-rise buildings effortlessly. Suddenly a group of police cars skidded down the street heading towards the crime scene. Suddenly Spidey’s spider senses went off and he heard a bank alarm go off in the distance. So the web-crawler leapt into action. When Spidey was at the scene he saw the Green Goblin dragging a sack full of precious treasures and valuables. As the villain was escaping, a police car headed straight towards him. But the Goblin had a dirty trick up his sleeves. As the police car approached  the villain threw a pumpkin bomb at the cop. Suddenly the bomb went off leaving the poor cop to get trapped and stuck in a fire.  That fire grew large and suddenly there was a loud explosion. Spidey then shot a web in the burning car pulling out the cop to save him from the fiery explosion.


After saving the cop, Spidey swang across the street to catch the villainous Green Goblin. But then suddenly a huge shadow came down on Spidey, it was as if the world had gone darker than dark. Spiderman looked around and saw Sandman, an evil ally of Green Goblin. “ Hello, little spider”. Said Sandman. “ Miles, now! “. yelled Spidey. Suddenly Miles came out of nowhere and kicked Sandman’s arm off, releasing Spidey. When Spiderman was free he shot multiple webs at Green Goblin, catching the villain and making him a soft landing.


While the heroes were capturing Green Goblin, Sandman was making his escape. But when the heroes noticed the escaping they left Green Goblin and swang across the street trying  to corner Sandman. When Sandman saw he could not win, he saw a girl and captured her. The heroes quickly went into action and saw the Sandman was with the girl on a building. “One more step and she’s gone,” shouted Sandman. The heroes however didn’t stop, making Sandman drop the girl. Spidey then started to swing as fast as he could so he could catch the girl.

He got to the ground and made a trampoline out of spider-webs, then as the girl fell she had a soft landing. Sandman was furious and ran away to make his escape. “Don’t worry Miles you did good for a kid,”. Spidey spoke awkwardly “Thanks Peter,”. replied Miles. “ We’ll catch Sandman soon,”. The police arrived to put Green Goblin behind bars. After saving the city, the two heroes watched from the skyscrapers of Manhattan staring down at the city.


The End 

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk according to me
Instructions: Check out the following resources to give you a solid understanding of the different versions of the story Jack and the Beanstalk.
Jack and the Beanstalk – UK English accent (
Jack and the Baked Beanstalk (with a twist) – Story Time
Trust Me, Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks! The Story of Jack and the Beanstalk As Told By The Giant
Plan: use this space to plan your narrative. Answer all the questions.
Orientation: Where is the story set? When and where is this taking place?

Characters: Who are the main characters in your story? What are their names? Give a brief description.
Jack, Jack’s Mother, Giant and Cook.
Problem: What is the overall problem in the story?
Jack and his mother are poor.
Beginning: What will happen at the beginning of your story?

Middle: What will happen in the middle of your story?

Resolution (end): How will your story end and the problem be solved?

Writing: start your writing here
Once upon a time there was a normal boy. His name was Jack. Jack lived in the hillside village along with his mother. Jack lived a poor life with his mother, they had no money or food. Jack and his mother also lived in a broken house. The windows were broken, the roof had holes and they barely had a door. Early in the morning when there was no sun at all. Jack’s mother woke him up. ‘’ What time is it? ‘’ yawned Jack while feeling sleepy. ‘’ Go to the market and sell our cow. So we can have food to eat,’’ said Jack’s Mum. So Jack got up and headed to the market with his cow. When Jack reaches the market a stranger comes by. ‘’I will trade you these magical beans for your cow, ‘’ traded the stranger. ‘’ Sure! ‘’ accepted Jack and with that Jack ran all the way back home. But when Jack showed the beans to his mother she growled at him and then she threw the beans outside. She was so angry and sent Jack away.
It was morning and Jack woke to a surprise! When he looked through his window outside in his garden he saw a huge beanstalk. It went all the way up into the clouds. Jack’s mother was still asleep so Jack decided to climb the beanstalk. So Jack got outside and started climbing. But as the boy was climbing he got hungry. Luckily, Jack saw a great big castle. Jack walked to the castle and knocked two times. A huge tall cook answered the door. ‘’ Can I please have something to eat? ‘’ asked Jack. Then the cook answered ‘’ Oh my lord! Please come in.’’ So Jack came in and received food. But then big footsteps approached. Someone big was coming. ‘’ Oh dear, that’s the giant coming. Hide!’’ said the cook. Jack went and hid in the cupboard. ‘’ Fee fi fo fum. I smell like a human!‘’ said the giant. But the cook replied ‘’ No, No you smell meat!’’ So the giant went to count his gold. But when he left Jack leapt from the cupboard and stole the gold!
Jack decided to also steal the giant’s goose and so he did, leaving the giant in confusion.

After everything that happened the giant decided to go to bed. When he was in bed. He spoke ‘’ Play please my harp.’’ Then the harp came out and started playing with no one touching it! ‘’Wow! ‘’ whispered Jack in amazement. So Jack got out from hiding and stole the harp. But Jack wasn’t lucky. The harp screamed ‘’ HELP me master! HELP!’’ The giant then awoke and chased Jack all the way outside. ‘’ Thief! ‘’ the giant yelled. Jack looked behind him and ran to the beanstalk. The giant chased Jack down to the ground. But Jack got there first and got an axe. He then started to chop down the beanstalk making it fall and the giant came tumbling down.