Day: November 22, 2023

Thank You Card

Thank You Letter


Writing a Thank You Letter is a great way to show your appreciation, and 

gratitude towards the instructors that helped us learn how to swim last week. 

In the space below you will write a Thank You Letter to one of the instructors! Here is the list of instructors to choose from:


  • Archie 
  • Geoffrey 
  • Eric
  • Sophia 
  • Leanne
  • Nia
  • Jazz


Your Thank You Letter needs to have a few things:


  • A greeting to the person you are writing the letter to! (Dear…, Hi!…, Hello…etc.)
  • What you are thankful for! (Thank you for…)
  • Two or Three reasons you are thankful (I am thankful/grateful for this because…)
  • A farewell, or goodbye!




Who is the letter for? How did they help you with your swimming last week? #1 what you are thankful for #2 what you are thankful for


Start writing here:


Your Name

130 Pt England Road

Pt England 




Their name 

YMCA Glen Innes

122 Elstree Avenue

Glen Innes




Tuesday 21st November 2023


Dear Leane

Thank you for teaching me about safe entry in the water when it comes to life jackets. Also thank you for teaching me and my group to huddle in together. You are  a good teacher in helping me and encouraging me in ‘’Pretend Rescuing’’.


I’d also like to thank you for teaching me ‘’ Water Treading ‘’ at the pools. You thought lots of things so thank you for everything you taught me in my four days with you.


You were helpful so much to me and my group thank you for teaching me how to swim have a good day 😄.





Yours sincerely, 
